WPBookit - Documentation

Taxes Tab


The WPBookit Taxes section provides a comprehensive overview of all tax-related information. From this section, you can efficiently manage tax details, including editing individual tax records and deleting taxes as needed.

Add New Taxes

  1. Click the “+ New” Button: In the top right corner of the “Taxes” section, locate the “+New” button (likely appearing as a small plus sign). Click it.
  2. Fill Out the Tax Details:
    • Tax Name: Give your new tax a descriptive name (e.g., “Sales Tax,” “VAT,” “GST”).
    • Tax Rate: Enter the percentage rate of the tax.
    • Booking Type: Choose the specific booking types to which this tax applies (you can usually select “All” or “Specific types”).
    • Inclusive Tax: Select whether this tax is included in the displayed price (inclusive) or added on top of it (exclusive).
    • Tax Priority: If you have multiple taxes, assign a priority to determine the order in which they’re calculated.
    • Prices entered with tax: Choose whether your prices will already include the tax or if it will be added on top.
    • Priority: Set the priority for your new tax.
  3. Click “Save”: Once you’ve filled in all the information, click the “Save” button to create the new tax.

Edit Taxes Information

  • Modify the details of an existing taxes details, such as Tax name, Tax Rates, Booking Type, price entered with tax and priority.

Delete Staff

  •  click the delete icon (trash bin) in the “Action” column to delete an existing Taxes.