WPBookit - Documentation
WPBookit Webhook Addon

Create Webhooks

On the Webhooks page, click the New button to open the webhook creation form.

Fill Out the Webhook Details

Provide the necessary information for the webhook configuration:

Webhook Name

  • Enter a unique name for your webhook. This name helps you identify its purpose (e.g., “New Booking Notification”).

Module Name

  • Select the module related to the webhook. For example, choose “Bookings” if the webhook is triggered by booking events or “Customer” if the webhook is triggered by customer events.

Event Name

  • Pick the specific event that will trigger the webhook. Examples include “New Booking,” “Edit Bookings,” or “Delete Booking.”


  • Set the webhook’s status to Active to enable it. You can set it to Inactive if you want to temporarily disable it.

Template Dynamic Keys List

  • Select an event option it generate dynamic keys automictically for the selected module and event. These keys can be used to customize the webhook’s payload.

HTTP Request

  • The HTTP Method field offers multiple options to define how data is transmitted to the external server. You can choose from the following methods based on your integration needs:
  • HTTP POST: Used for sending data securely to an external server (commonly used for creating or updating resources).
  • HTTP GET: Ideal for retrieving data from an external server.
  • HTTP DELETE: Used to request the deletion of resources on an external server.
  • HTTP PUT: Used for updating or replacing resources on an external server.

Webhook URL

  • Enter the URL of the external application or service where the webhook data should be sent.

Add Headers (Optional)

  • Click the Add Header button to include additional information in the webhook request, such as authentication tokens or custom fields.
  • Provide the header name and value as required.

Select Content Type

  • Choose the content type for the data to be sent with the webhook request. The available options are:
  • Form Data: Suitable for sending data in the standard application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.
  • JSON Data: Ideal for sending data in a structured application/json format, commonly used in modern API integrations.

Form Data Section

  • The Form Data section allows you to define custom key-value pairs that will be sent as part of the webhook request. Here’s how it works:
  • Add Form Data:
    • Use the “Add Form Data” button to include additional key-value pairs in the request payload.
    • This feature is useful for customizing the data being transmitted to external systems.
  • Key Field:
    • Enter the name of the parameter expected by the receiving system.
    • This represents the identifier for the data being sent.
  • Value Field:
    • Assign a dynamic value to the key using predefined placeholders (e.g., {{placeholder_name}}).
    • Copy the dynamic key form Template Dynamic Keys List and past in Value field of form data.
  • Delete Field:
    • Use the delete icon to remove unnecessary key-value pairs from the form data.
  • Similarly, you can add dynamic keys when using the JSON Content Type. This allows you to configure and send data in a structured JSON format with dynamic placeholders that are automatically populated during the webhook execution.