WPBookit - Documentation
WPBookit Coupon Addon

Edit Coupon

  • Locate the Coupon to Edit:
    • Go to the Coupons Tab and find the coupon you want to modify from the list.
  • Edit the Coupon Code (if needed):
    • Update the Coupon Code to a new, unique identifier if required.
  • Adjust the Coupon Rate:
    • Modify the discount rate by choosing a percentage (%) or a fixed dollar ($) amount.
  • Update Booking Types:
    • Change or add the booking types to which the coupon applies.
  • Reassign Specific Customers (Optional):
    • Update the list of customers eligible to use the coupon, if applicable.
  • Modify the Usage Limit:
    • Adjust the maximum number of times the coupon can be redeemed.
  • Save Changes:
    • Once all updates are complete, click Save to apply the changes.